“The Gray Geezers”

NEB Oct 2016

Gary “Choo-Choo” Yerger,   Lee “Little Buford” Schappell,   Rick “Slim” Guinan,   and  “Marvelous Markie” Miller

 The NEW EARTH BAND  welcomes you to our warm and fuzzy cyber-home!  Check out “On the Docket” for  1)  Future playdates,  2) Announcements,   3) Thank-you’s  and Acknowledgments.  On  many of those up-coming , you can join us  in  person  for   some  loose and  easy,  certified   organic, raw-boned “Retro-Rural” Gospel Music  –  with just a bit of a saw-tooth edge – and a message that’s delivered to your heart in high-definition!     We’re so   “down-home”  that our zip code is “E-I-E-I-O” !  

Praise Radio logo200

Click the big link, below, to listen to

The NEW EARTH BAND on “Praise Radio”!

 Click to visit Praise Radio...

On the Praise Radio home page, select from the menu at the upper-left “Playlist & Requests”, and slide the cursor over to the “T”, under “Search by Artist”, for The NEW EARTH BAND, then scroll down to our listings, and please request one or two of our Good News Gospel music messages for Brothers and Sisters around the world to hear!  –  and yes, thank you!!


… this link will take you directly to The NEW EARTH BAND’S  “Playlist & Requests” page!  It’s sooo easy, a cave man can do it!   http://praypraypray.net/playlistT.html?character=T


The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time  Click the following link to listen to the opening track from the current CD, “A Long Time Coming”   –> 

         In A Little While We’re Going Home

 … and click this link to view the video “A Long Time Coming” – produced by video guru  “OK Roque”  Rojas  –->


The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click this link to hear “Born Again”, from the current CD “A Long Time Coming”   –>  01 – Born Again

The New Earth Band | A Long Time Coming

 To download tracks, or hear clips, click here  >>


The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click this link to get a good listen to the title track from Little Buford’s solo CD, “The Last Kamikaze”!   –>   The Last Kamikaze

The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click the following one to hear “Monkey See, Monkey Do”, from  “The Last Kamikaze” CD!  –>  Monkey See, Monkey Do

  The New Earth Band & "Little Buford": The Last Kamikaze  To download “The Last Kamikaze”  tracks, or hear clips, click here  >>  

http://cdbaby.com/cd/newearthband3 .

The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click here to listen to “The Jubilee”,  from The NEW EARTH BAND’s second CD, “Gospel Truth” –> Jubilee Remix

The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click here to hear “That’s Just Not the Gospel”, from The NEW EARTH BAND’s “Gospel Truth” CD  –> That’s Just Not the Gospel  (See Galatians 1:6-9)

The New Earth Band: Gospel Truth To download “Gospel Truth” tracks, or hear audio clips, click here  >> 


The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click here to listen to “Rock of Ages”, featuring some gritty instrumental work from fiddler Warren “Mose” Boyer and Markie Miller on the Dobro –>  Rock of Ages

The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click here to listen to “Gospel State of Mind” from The NEW EARTH BAND’s self-titled, initial CD  –>  Gospel State of Mind

The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper TimeClick here to hear “The Unclouded Day”  from The NEW EARTH BAND’s self-titled, initial CD  –>  The Unclouded Day

  The New Earth Band: The New Earth Band  To download tracks from “The New Earth Band”, or to hear clips, click here  >>


The New Earth Band MP3 - Supper Time Click here to listen to The NEW EARTH BAND with Marvelous Markie singing lead on the unreleased track  –> Supper Time 


Buford cropped


To your right, at the top of the page, you’ll find links to “Pages” that  bear an abundance of info about The NEW EARTH BAND members (“About the Band”) and are jam-packed with details on our currently-available “Retro-Rural”, hopping-good-Country Gospel music CD’s (“The New Earth Band’s CD’s”).

Also over there in the “Pages” you’ll discover a variety of articles and sermons – many of them newly posted and updated – for your edification, your amazement, and even some for your amusement.  Moreover, you are most welcome to read and study them, copy and print them, email their links to friends and family, insert those links into your own website if you like, and share the Good News Gospel message wherever the opportunity presents itself.  There’s a veritable truckload of inspiration in that upper-right-hand corner!  So, “Go ahead … make your day!”

Plus, in that “Pages” menu there are links to the texts of several very powerful, foundational messages that have been delivered from local pulpits, as well as on the air, such as “Israel, The Overcomer” “Thy Way, O God, Is In the Sanctuary”, “Knowing God”. and “Christ in You, You in Christ”.

Now, if you’re  simply looking for a snicker, a chuckle, a guffaw, or a rolling belly-laugh … you might want to check out “The Time Machine”  –  which promises to prove worth the pain!

You know, that “Links” section, over there to the right, is absolutely loaded with connections to websites that are guaranteed to scratch you right where you itch – such as our friend and world-famous chocolate-chip cookie guru, Wally “Famous” Amos’ wonderful Read It Loud! Foundation” . Please, check that out – and start reading fun stuff with real substance to your kids again!

Sooo. if you’ve got a pulse, without question there’ something great over there in that “Links” column that’s just for you!

This is the time of your life  – 

    Spend it any way you want

       But you can spend it ONLY ONCE !!

Gospel Music Association members, The NEW EARTH BAND’S initial, self-titled “The New Earth Band” CD, as well as our more recent projects, “Gospel Truth” , “The Last Kamikaze” , and “A Long Time Coming”  are certified blues busters and gloom-chasers.  You’ll find them at  >> www.cdbaby.com, the CD Baby Tune Store when you enter “The New Earth Band” in the “SEARCH” box at the top of the page.   It’s  so easy … a cave man can do it !

To zip directly to a specific CD, this  link will take you right to our first, one self-titled The New Earth Band” >>http://cdbaby.com/cd/newearthband, ;  and this link will bring you to our second full-band album,  “Gospel Truth”    >> http://cdbaby.com/cd/newearthband2.  Now this little nipper will take you directly to Little Buford’s solo CD, “The Last Kamikaze”   >> http://cdbaby.com/cd/newearthband3 while this one transports you directly to our most recent release   >>  http://cdbaby.com/cd/thenewearthband , “A Long Time Coming”.

OR  –  You may simply click on one  –  OR ALL ! – of those humongous  CD BABY buttons below to listen FREE to sound clips, or to download tracks – please do, as the proceeds from the sale of our CD’s help to support our active and fruitful ministry.  All physical CD sales are now handled thru us, personally, at our events.

Our initial CD project is simply self-titled “The New Earth Band”, and features 12 rough and raw, tracks of blue-collar, gritty-dirt-road, rural Gospel music, with that sawtooth edge!   You may punch the  icon directly below, or click here   >>>  http://cdbaby.com/cd/newearthband to listen to audio clips or  download tracks.  Four out of five doctors recommend you do one of the above, for spiritual stability!

The New Earth Band: The New Earth Band

The NEW EARTH BAND’s second, full-band CD project, is a 13-track beauty, titled Gospel Truth”, which you’ll find at CD Baby – thanks to  DiscMakers (www.discmakers.com), our manufacturing partners.   Gospel Truth” features long-time associate and fiddler-extraordinaire, the late, beloved Warren “Cadillac Mose” Boyer, on seven outstandingly “earthy” tracks.    When you get yours (and please, please do that!) we want you to listen particularly for the second track, The Jubilee, aptly dubbed a heavenly hoe-down”, featuring a full, rich, driving sound with an abundance of instrumental lead-work.  The Jubilee is one joyous celebration that will get you excited about living eternally in God’s Kingdom-to-come!  You’ll also want to check out Mose’s gritty fiddle work on “Rock of Ages” , and the happy hippity-hop that he puts into “Tell Me the Story of Jesus”.  You can click on the big, fat CD Baby icon, below, or click this link, here   >>>  http://cdbaby.com/cd/newearthband2 , to access our CD “Gospel Truth”.

The New Earth Band: Gospel Truth

“Gospel Truth” has enjoyed a respectable amount of airplay, as has our first CD, “The New Earth Band”,  primarily by Classic Country WWSM 1510AM, in the Central Pennsylvania area, giving a ride to “No, Not One” and “Gospel Truth”, as well as “The Door” and “Jesus Never Sang the Blues”, which are from our first album.   “Gospel Truth”  and “No, Not One”  were  also on the regular daily playlist of the Christian Internet station WhiteDove Gospel Radio, for months running.

Then, there’s the  solo project from The NEW EARTH BAND’s “Little Buford”  titled “The Last Kamikaze”, and containing 15 tracks  – and that’s a lot of music, Amigos!   There are 12 originals and 3 traditional, old-time Gospel tunes on this new release that became available April 1, 2011.   It’s a slightly different, refreshing sound, as most songs on “The Last Kamikaze”  feature as many as three and four guitar tracks.  You may click on this CD Baby icon, below, or just click the following  link    >>>  http://cdbaby.com/cd/newearthband3 , to access  “The Last Kamikaze” , listen to audio clips, download tracks, or to download the entire enchilada!The New Earth Band & "Little Buford": The Last Kamikaze


IT’S NOT EASY BEING GREEN!  But it’s the environmentally-expedient thing to do!  The NEW EARTH BAND is carrying its share in accepting man’s stewardship of this old earth!  The cover packaging of all three of our CD’s, The NEW EARTH BAND”,  “GOSPEL TRUTH”“The LAST KAMIKAZE” , and  “A LONG TIME COMING”  are totally “green”, seriously-spiffy, forward-thinking, and environmentally-friendly.   We’ve taken a giant step upward from the conventional dinosaur plastic jewel case packaging that cracks and breaks, and clogs the landfills.  Instead, we’ve opted for the new, cutting-edge, bio-degradable, UV-coated, light-weight, recycled craftboard  package from our friends at DiscMakers (www.discmakers.com).  We firmly believe that walking God’s walk includes reducing our carbon footprint on this planet!  Hopefully, many other artists will soon begin to follow the lead of The NEW EARTH BAND !


WhiteDove Award

A Message From Crystal Clear of WhiteDove Gospel Radio    crystalclear@whitedoveradio.com

“We are pleased to have the fellowship of the members of The NEW EARTH BAND.  This fellowship has been a part of Whitedove Radio for several years.  Knowing Brother Lee Schappell, and speaking to him throughout the years, the Holy Spirit has developed bridges where distance is irrelevant. You can know the heart and see the fruit of one’s profession through the actions of his pronounced faith, through Him!   The NEW EARTH BAND  ministers through music what is expressed in their testimony.  We are proud to air them on Whitedove Radio and know any venture they set to do they will do as is pleasing unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

May the Lord richly bless you.
Crystal Clear

The NEW EARTH BAND’s  Lee Schappell recorded seven “hopping-good” station identification  spot announcements for Whitedove Gospel Radio – which you may listen to by clicking on the blue links below

    Click below to hear   The NEW EARTH BAND’s    White Dove Radio  Public Service Announcements!

              When the crowd strays …        Music for your journey

 You’re right in tune …

  02 2 Station ID with music               04 4 Be Still ID with musi06 6

Joyful Noise ID with music   08 8 Time of Your Life ID with music

As of January 31, 2016, Live365, one of the original internet streaming networks, as well as one of the largest, closed its doors and ceased operations, forcing literally thousands of internet radio stations to seek affiliation with new networks, or shut simply down.   Sadly, after 13 years of gospel ministry in song and word, WhiteDove Gospel Radio became one of the latter group.   It had always been our hope and prayer that WhiteDove Gospel Radio would succeed in aligning with a new network and continue its fine work for the advancement of the Good News and the completion of God’s gospel work.

Crystal Clear

Paula Yvonne “Crystal Clear” Martin

02/10/48 – 10-27-17

Known professionally as “Crystal Clear”, owner and operator of White Dove Gospel Radio, this golden-hearted Sister in Christ not only proclaimed daily the Good News of the Gospel to the world in music, but she truly lived and walked it in real time, frequently pausing to lift up, and minister to, listeners and artists alike. 

At the peak of AM-radio’s heyday, Paula plied her trade at St. Louis’ pioneer “American Graffiti”  top-40 station, KXOK 630AM, before founding White Dove Gospel Radio, by which she faithfully served her Lord with gladness – and a most-joyful noise!

We genuinely appreciate Crystal’s airing our music across a nine-year span, as well as affording me the personal honor and privilege of recording some creative PSA’s for WhiteDove Gospel Radio.  We’ll be earnestly looking forward to that soon-to-come, long-anticipated Resurrection Morning, and to walking and talking with our Good Sis in this Earth-Made-New!