The Scriptures are bursting with colorful verbal illustrations, graphic word-pictures, symbols, and types that vividly illustrate the many facets of the long-awaited Messiah, and His plan for things still to come.

In John’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of searching the Scriptures, “… for they testify of Me”. (John 5:39)   Understanding that the Scriptures to which Jesus was then referring were what we now call the Old Testament, and that they comprised the entirety of Scripture at that time, we should now be re-searching those Older Testament types and symbols, which are so often overlooked, that we may more fully comprehend all of GOD’s purposes in sending the Messiah.  The Great Flood of Noah’s time was a figure of the Final Judgment, while the Ark symbolized the Savior, in Whom are refuge and salvation for all. Jesus is verily today’s “Ark” and present Refuge as we approach The Day.

In Exodus 33:18-24, GOD summons Moses up to the top of Mount Sinai for the purpose of delivering to him the Tables of Stone, on which He had inscribed the Decalogue.  While atop the mountain, in the Holy Presence of GOD, Moses asks of the LORD, “Show me Your glory!”

Though the Bible plainly testifies that to sinful man “Our GOD is a Consuming Fire” (Deuteronomy 4:24), our loving LORD makes a way in which to accommodate his faithful servant’s request.  He provides a hiding place, a refuge for Moses.  GOD tucks him into a crevice, a cleft in the rock, and then covers him with His Almighty hand as He passes before the Patriarch, proclaiming His goodness and His majesty.  Our Heavenly Father is the Mighty Rock of our Salvation, and I can see Jesus as the Cleft in that Rock!  He is our Hiding Place in which all may find Eternal-life-saving refuge.

There’s a powerful illustration found in the 35th chapter of Numbers that so aptly characterizes the coming Messiah as our Refuge, and Hiding Place in time of trouble, where mercy and grace abound.  It’s one of GOD’s Statutes in which He instructs Joshua to establish Cities of Refuge upon their taking possession of the Promised Land.  Are you familiar with the Cities of Refuge?  Oh, what a prophecy!  What a wonderful, full-color preview of the protection and providence of Jesus, our present-day Hiding Place!

Turn to Numbers 35:10., “Speak to the Israelites, and say to them, ‘When you come over Jordan into the Land of Canaan, 11 then you shall appoint cities to serve as refuges, that the manslayer who kills any person without intent may flee there. 12  And they shall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger; that the manslayer may not die until he stands trial before the congregation. 13 And of these cities which you shall select, six shall serve as refuge for you. 14 You shall appoint three cities on this side of Jordan, and three cities in the land of Canaan, which shall be cities for refuge … 15 … that every one that kills a person without intent may flee there.”

These Cities of Refuge were under the stewardship of the Levites, and were set up for the purpose of providing a safe place where one who had accidentally taken a life could seek asylum, find protection from “the avenger of the blood”, and receive daily sustenance until his case could be heard, and he could be judged fairly by a court of his peers.

My wife, Elsa, is a survivor of the World War 2 Allied bombing of Berlin.  That surely must have been a traumatic time for a mature adult; but no doubt it was a thoroughly terrifying experience for a pre-school child.  She tells of spending two weeks hunkered down in an underground bunker as the conflict raged above.  She recalls the sounds and the smells; feeling the concussion of the ordnance, the intense heat from the bunker walls, and the trembling of the ground beneath her.  Then … the silence and the waiting; waiting … waiting for it all to start up again.

Elsa remembers, too, that the shelves in the bunker were stocked with an adequate supply of drinking water and basic food items which proved essential to their survival.  She recalls, too, the consolation and encouragement she found in the companionship and support of a few of her neighbors in that pocket of safety.  The bunker provided Elsa, her mother, and four siblings with more-than-sufficient cover, right in the midst of the exploding bombs, the fractured buildings, and flying debris. They knew they would be safe as they remained securely in the bunker, and their fundament needs would be met there.

It wasn’t enough for her family to know about the bunker.  It wouldn’t have been enough to just get closer to the bunker. To receive the benefit of that shelter, to be safe from bodily harm and to be sustained thru this time of trial, the family needed to be totally committed to remaining in the bunker, safely behind its sturdy walls and heavily-barred door.

In much the same manner, the refugees of GOD’s judgment on the antediluvian world of Noah’s time found safety, security, and a life-support system in the Ark, which was little more than a bobbing speck on the surface a drowning planet.  However, inside the refuge of that vessel, there was freedom from the judgment that had befallen the unrepentant multitudes outside.  Their basic needs were met there in the Ark, and they were safely transported through their tribulation to a brand-new beginning.

It wasn’t enough to know about the Ark, or to hang out near the Ark. Noah’s family had to get in the Ark, and the Bible says that the door then “was closed”. They had to commit to remaining in the shelter which GOD had provided, and trust wholly in His purposes.

Ours is a GOD of justice and great mercy.  The Wilderness Church entered the Canaan Land during the days of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life”.  But oh, the wisdom, the insight, and great mercy of our Father!  Have you witnessed it? Have you experienced it?  Do you know the depth of GOD’s unfathomable love and abounding grace?   Watch this:

GOD ordained that those Cities of Refuge would be strategically situated throughout the Promised Land so that, from any location on either side of the Jordan, a City of Refuge would be no more than a half-day’s journey.  Further, these Cities were selected particularly because they were walled and fortified, and were located on elevated ground, making them easy to see from a great way off.

From 19th-century theologian W.W. Prescott’s In Christ, we read: “The roads leading to these cities were always kept in good repair; and there were signs put up all along the highway, Refuge, so the one who was fleeing might lose no time, and make no mistakes on his way.”  GOD certainly does consider every possibility!

Continuing now from Professor Prescott: “Do you see how perfectly the lesson applies?  Jesus Christ is not far from any one of us.  The way to Him is just as easy as GOD can make it; and the way is always open and kept in repair; and He has pointers (signs) up in every place, pointing to Jesus Christ, the Refuge.  And just as soon as one is in Him, he is safe from the pursuer, just as long as he stays in Him.  If he gets outside of Him, it is at his own risk, and he is likely then to pay the supreme penalty.  But if he abides in Him, he is safe.  There is no condemnation.”

Now follow this closely as we examine the individual names of the Cities of Refuge; and please note how their meanings do so aptly describe the promised Savior.  East of the Jordan, there was Golan (“to reveal” – the Savior came to reveal to us the Father);  Ramoth (“exalted, lifted up” – He was to be “lifted up”, and would draw all unto Himself); and Bezer (”to be fortified, to make inaccessible” – a Mighty Fortress is our GOD).  Then, west of the Jordan River was Kadesh (“to be holy, to sanctify, to consecrate” – as we abide in Him, we are sanctified, and made holy); Shechem (“to shoulder, as to bear a burden” – the Messiah would bear our sin-burden to Judgment at the Cross); and Hebron (“to unite, to join, to bind together” – GOD was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself).  In Him, in Christ Our Refuge, there is no distinction between male and female, free and bond, Jew and Gentile, for all are one in Him.  His resume is contained right there in the names of the Cities of Refuge!  So thoroughly do they depict the Savior!  “The Name of the LORD is a Strong Tower; the righteous run to it, and is safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)   There is complete security and sustenance in Him!

So, the Cities of Refuge were established for the purpose of providing asylum for one who had taken a life, and protection from “the avenger of the blood”.  It was clearly stipulated in the Redemption Statute that, if the slaying were intentional or had been committed with malice, the offender was to be put to death.  Incidentally, “the avenger”, who was the victim’s male next-of-kin, was required by that Statute to carry out the execution by his own hand!  (Numbers 35:16-21)

Now, if the slaying were judged not to be deliberate or intentional, the offender would be returned to the City of Refuge, where he could abide safely.  All his needs would be supplied until …  now listen: until the death of the High Priest.  Can you see where this is going?

The Cities of Refuge provided legal asylum for the one who had committed a capital offense.  Is not man under an equal degree of condemnation?  Ezekiel 18:20 states flatly: “The soul that sins, it shall die”.  Are not all of us on eternity’s death row?   Romans 6:23 states: “The wages of sin is death.” Might our own personal and corporate situations require the blessing of an all-sufficient Refuge?  Perhaps a Heavenly Bunker?

So, if the slaying were not committed in enmity, the offender would remain in the Refuge, as Scripture stipulates, “…until the death of the High Priest.”

Do you know Who is our High Priest?  It’s Jesus!  Our High Priest is Jesus Christ!  You really want to carefully study the first three chapters of Hebrews.  What a powerful and compelling case is presented there!

Chapter one reveals that it was essential that the Savior be wholly GOD, in order to completely reconcile and restore fallen man to the Father.  His name is Immanuel, which is GOD with us!

And Hebrews, chapter two, says that He had to be fully human in substance and nature in order to qualify as our Mediator.  Jesus refers to Himself in the Scriptures 83 times as “the Son of Man”.  So completely does He identify with mankind. He is One of us, One like us, One for us.

Then in chapter three, we’re told that He is now our consummate High Priest, Advocate and Intercessor.  His is a High Priesthood of the order of Melchizedek, which was superior to the Levitical priesthood.  The entire book of Hebrews is an excellent education in itself!

So, the Cities of Refuge were established to portray in real time the Savior-to-come.  And although all of humanity are guilty as charged and condemned by the Law, we can seek asylum and find refuge in Christ Jesus.  We can safely abide in Him Who is verily our Eternal Refuge. Christ is our Hiding Place from the condemnation that we’ve justly earned as the natural consequence of life lived in willful transgression of GOD’s precepts.

Do you like happy endings?  I love happy endings, and so does Our Heavenly Father, Who orchestrates happy endings!   Now watch this: The transgressor was permitted to dwell safely in the City of Refuge until the death of the High Priest, at which time he was to be set free to return to his home, no longer condemned by the Law. (Numbers 35:29)

And here is where the illustration comes full-circle, because it is the death of our High Priest – and our High Priest is? Jesus Christ!  It’s the death of Our High Priest, Jesus, on the Cross of Calvary, that ultimately releases us, and sets us free from the condemnation of the Law of Sin and Death.  Hear once more the testimony of Paul, with my favorite Bible passage, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus ….” (Romans 8:1)  There is no condemnation now to those who have entered the safety of the “Ark”; to those who are hidden deep in the “Bunker”; to those who have fled to the “Refuge”; to those whose High Priest has died!  Have you taken refuge in Jesus Christ?  Have you appointed Him your High Priest and Divine Mediator?

We are guilty as charged (Isaiah 53:3), but what has happened to our condemnation?  Where did it go?  Our High Priest took it upon Himself when He put on Adam’s fallen flesh, that we may be made free in Him.  Hear His cry: “If the Son of Man makes you free, you shall be free indeed”.

Now, if the man-slayer were foolish enough to neglect to seek asylum in a City of Refuge, he would be fair game for the avenger of the deceased to catch him and execute him on the spot!  (Numbers 35:25-28)   So, why would a person who had committed a capital offense, one punishable by death, fail to avail himself of the refuge of a safe-house, a legal hiding place provided for him by the Law?  No doubt it happened at times back then and sadly, it still happens today!

Moreover, speaking now of an individual who had already entered a City of Refuge, and had been granted asylum; if he were so foolish as to leave the safety of the City for any reason, great or small, he too would be fair game for the avenger to slay him instantly, without hesitation.  But with freedom, protection, security, sustenance, and the promise of a future on the table, why would anyone entertain the idea of leaving even for a moment?

Similarly, should we choose to step away from our personal relationship in Christ; should we ever separate from the Source of life and salvation; should we elect to leave the security of His care and custody, we must then expect to bear full responsibility for the consequences of our actions.

Please take note of Numbers 35 and verse 15: “These six Cities shall be a refuge, both for the Children of Israel, and for the stranger and the sojourner …”  Does GOD cover all the bases here?  Does He not make salvation accessible to everyone?  His mercy isn’t only for “insiders”; not just for “members only”.  Ephesians 2:16 supplies this rationale: “that He might reconcile both unto GOD (in Biblical context, that’s Jew and Gentile, believer and unbeliever), in one Body, by the Cross …”

Grace and mercy were back then, and still are today, available to all.  Jesus is the Equal-opportunity Refuge!  That’s “unbe-credibly” good news, because we are all transgressors, offenders every one, guilty and condemned as charged by GOD’s Law.  Consider also that there was once a time when each one of us was a stranger, a sojourner.

According to Scripture, we are now living in the Antitypical Day of Atonement, and the first of the “Three Angels flying in the midst of Heaven” is proclaiming “… the hour of His judgment has come.  (Revelation 14:7)

The Bible confirms that there is one humongous mother-of-a-storm coming, the likes of which have never been seen before.  (Daniel 12:1)  The winds of strife have begun to blow, and the time of shaking has begun. “As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37-39)   However, there’s an Ark; sturdy and strong, all-sufficient, fully prepared, in the Person of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is that Refuge, far mightier than any bunker of man’s devising, yet so near at hand!  The path is clear and plainly marked. You’ll find asylum and safety in Him, and all your needs will be supplied!

It isn’t enough to know about the Savior, nor is it enough to hang out near the Church.  It isn’t nearly enough to simply attend church or participate in some religious activities.  To be carried safely through the storm of storms requires your committing fully to the One Who has already gained the victory, and is able to cover you, provide for you, deliver you, and see you all the way through to The Day when He returns with “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands and thousands” of His heavenly posse!

Martin Luther boldly wrote: “A Mighty Fortress is our GOD, a Bulwark never failing.”  And Deuteronomy 33:27 adds the exclamation point! “The Eternal GOD is thy Refuge, and underneath are the Everlasting Arms.”    

Jesus offers the following assurance to His faithful ones: “In very truth, anyone who gives heed to what I say, and puts his trust in Him Who sent Me, has hold of eternal life, and does not come up for judgment, but has already passed from death to life.”  (John 5:24)

Secure yourself with both feet deep inside the safety of the “Bunker”. Take up a non-negotiable, no-retreat position in Jesus Christ, your Refuge and Mighty Fortress, and know to a certainty that all will be well in Him. Scripture assures that the ultimate Refuge has already been provided for GOD’s Redeemed this day in the presence of His abiding Holy Spirit, “… whereby you are sealed unto the Day of Redemption.”  (Ephesians 4:30)

In closing, take heart in the confession of the Patriarch Samuel: “The LORD is my Stronghold, my Fortress and my Champion, my GOD, my Rock where I find safety; my Shield, my Mountain Fastness, my Strong Tower, my Refuge, my Deliverer Who saves me from violence.”  (2 Samuel 22:3)

So, as Hebrews 2:3 and 4 has posed the question: How indeed shall we ever escape, if we neglect the wonderful salvation that the Heavenly Father has set before us?  What could possibly be the exit strategy, were we to let it slip through our fingers?

Lord GOD of my Salvation – You are my Mighty Fortress and my Hiding Place, my Refuge and Stronghold, for which I am eternally grateful.  Let me hide myself safely in You until the storm has passed.  I humbly ask in the name of Your Son, my Surety and my dear Savior, Jesus Christ.  –  Amen